C2 09.12.2024 星期四 分類廣告 Ύ⾚Մ ㇴॵ ם 㥺 Technical Product Manager Lead, plan/initiate/manage info tech projects in all stages & assess bus. Implications for each stage. Exp. chatbots, Oracle Uitility products, etc. Req’d BS (foreign equiv.) + 5yrs exp. 50% National travel. Resume to 42808 Christy St, Suite# 228, Fremont, CA 94538 Online Order Fulfillment Clerk Review online orders for sm engine lawn/garden equip, parts, accessories. Pack, label, dropship, provide tracking info. Photograph, add/update new items to website, adjust pricing & availability. Multiple/splitshift & weekend work. Req 6mos exp using computer to update commercial website incl images and text. Send resume/letter to 10767 San Pablo Ave, El Cerrito, CA 94530. No calls or walk-ins. 《星島日報美西版》、《星電視》、 《星島中文電台》誠聘 廣闊創作空間 讓你一展所長 做實力傳媒人 加入最強團隊 以上職位申請者必須具美國合法工作身分;薪酬從優,全職員工包醫療保險、有薪年假及病假、 401K福利、完善津貼、獎金及花紅制度。歡迎同業轉換工作,申請絕對保密。 負責灣區本地新聞採訪 入職要求: ‧ 大學本科畢業,新聞相關專業尤佳 ‧良好中英文聽講寫能力 ‧對新聞工作感興趣 ‧性格主動有衝勁 ‧具團隊合作精神 ‧懂攝影優先 入職要求: ‧最少1年工作經驗 ‧良好溝通技巧 ‧自信和獨立 ‧中英文流利 ‧無需經驗 ‧勤奮努力 ‧會開車 入職要求: ‧大學本科畢業 ‧良好中英文聽講寫能力 ‧粵語發音必須純正 ‧具廣播和電視播報經驗優先 入職要求: ‧大學本科畢業 ‧良好中英文聽講寫能力 ‧熟悉中英文社交媒體操作和推廣 ‧具網絡內容編寫經驗優先 負責星電視拍攝及後期製作 入職要求: ‧大學本科畢業 ‧具合法工作身份 ‧懂視頻拍攝及後期製作、熟練使用Adobe Premiere ‧具電視台工作經驗優先 辦公室助理 粵語視頻新聞主播兼編輯 社交媒體策劃專員 視頻製作技術員 全職 全職 全職 多媒體新聞記者數名全職 全職/兼職 有意者請投履歷表至:hr@singtaousa.com; 並註明申請職位 粵語電台晨早新聞主播全半職 ˣ 親愛的讀者們,本報近期發現了一些以招聘形式騙取個人資料的詐騙廣告,深知詐騙行為對個 人和社區會造成損害,因此本報會盡力拒絕刊登此類廣告。同時,提醒讀者保持警惕, 不要輕信、不輕易提供個人和財務信息,以保護個人的權益。 重要通知 專線 650-808-8877, 1-888-SING-TAO 電郵 classified@singtaousa.com 網址 www.singtaousa.com 本報分類廣告代收處 分類推出新優惠如下: 二埠、士德頓和ELK Grove出租,特價優惠,每格收$23/3天;$33/7天; $55/14 天。 二手市場物價售 $250 元以下,每天每格收 $5.00,最少登 3 天,共 $18; 7 天,每天每格收 $3.00,共 $24,包括微信分類廣告,不折不扣, ( 祇限私人 )。物價售 $250 元以上,3+3 或 7+7。 刊登地產廣告 (320-390) 加送相片 ( 限一張 )。 商舖出租 (401) 和生意出讓 (510-590):30+7。 友情速遞7+7或30+7,(30+7,920-930,最長合約3個月),加送照片; 照片限一人;僅限920和930。照片可送各門市部或 電台“就業情報 站”收費如下 每天播出 2 次,每次 15 秒 ( 約 60 字 ) 每天 收費 20 元,最少買 3 天,即 60 元 ( 必需 同時刊登分類廣告 ) 2024年 1 月 1日起: 3 Days 7 Days 14 Days 30 Days 1X1 $46.50 $89.24 $136.88 $203.60 2X1 $87.00 $169.60 $259.80 $386.00 2X2 $111.00 $217.20 $332.60 $494.00 3X2 $165.00 $324.30 $496.40 $737.00 395 Oyster Point Blvd, Ste 215, S.S.F (650)808-8877 3318 Grimshaw Way, ELK Grove (916)230-9887 南三藩市 總社 711 Commercial St. S.F (415)989-7111 三藩市華埠 本報門市部 658 Clement. 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Qualification: Proficiency in English & Chinese, Computer Skills (Excel/Outlook), Detail and Organized, Multi-task, Fast Learner, and Teamwork. Salary: Based on experience with an annual bonus. Email resumes/inquiries to admin@sktrans.net Product Data Analyst Work on various product dvlpmt prgms w/ external/internal dvlprs to ensure products work as intended/implmtd. Reqs.: Bachelor’s deg or foreign equiv in Statistics, Math, or Info Systems + 1yr exp. Exp to incl monitoring, tracking trending data (Process Street, Tableau). This is a telecommuting position w/ remote benefit from various unanticipated locs throughout the U.S. Mail resumes to 3223 Kenneth St, Santa Clara, CA 95054. Office Assistant / Customer Service Nuherbs Co in San Leandro, CA seeks self-motivated, detail-oriented person fluent in English + Mandarin to work in a fun challenging environment. Must have excellent phone + people skills + strong initiative. $20.00 per hour + benefits + health insurance. Send resume in the body of your e-mail to judy@nuherbs.com. Please no phone calls. S/W DVLPR Retool. Inc has an oppty in San Francisco for a S/W Engr. Improve the UX of the Retool core editor. Email resume w/Ref# 7253207 to: reqID22@retool.com. Must be legally auth to work in the US w/o spnslshp. EOE Program Manager Seeking qualified Program Manager w/associate’s or foreign equiv deg in CS or CIS & 24 mos. Of work exp. Responsible for dvlpmt, testing, monitoring, mgmt & deployment approaches & tool sets and for prgmg, API, messaging, d/bases, & System Dsgn. Lead the implmtn of the techn’l solution incl hands on coding where applicable & ensure the code delivered aligns w/ the dsgn specs. Ensure the project delivers to the approved budget & agreed margin & that both are regularly reviewed. Frequent travel to unanticipated worksite loc. w/in USA may be reqd. Mail resumes to HR Manager, Atlasis Technologies LLC, 1765 Scott Blvd, Ste 204, Santa Clara, CA 95050. Senior Software Engineer Solve variety of techn’l challenges; build features, APls, Uls, infrastructure for web platforms using techs. Reqs.; Bachelor’s deg in Comp Engg or Comp Science or equiv, + 2 yrs exp to incl building web/mobile applics (Python/Dot.Net backends). Position based in Redwood City; may work remotely from various unanticipated locs throughout the U.S. Travel is reqd. May occasionally travel to employer’s worksite as needed. Mail resumes to 500 Arguello St, Redwood City, CA 94063. Clinical Operations Lead Clinical Operations Lead for Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco. Reqs 10% int’l & domestic trave, fully reimbursed. Telecommuting permitted 2 days/wk. Req: Bachelor’s in biotech, healthcare, medicine, alternative medicine, or rltd + 4yrs exp. Expected salary range for position based on primary loc in CA is $158,904 - $210,600/yr. Actual pay w/in range determined based on exp, qualifications, geographic loc & other job-rltd factors permitted by law. Discretionary annual bonus may be avail based on individual & Co. performance. Position qualifies for benefits detailed at Benefits (https://roche.ehr.com/default.ashx?CLASSN AME=splash). Apply: http://applygene.com/202407-117981 (Job ID: 202407-117981) Senior Software Data Engineer (Redwood City, CA): Dsg, dvlp, maintn s/w platform, ensure dlvry of reliable systm; Monitor & maintn stablty & perfmnc of codebase; Spprt data anlytcs s/w dvlpmt team to bld models & anlyz data; Dvlp s/w systems & ensure feasblty of prjcts, eval functns, tech capablts & needs; Utlz s/w dvlpmt tech to dvlp & spprt featrs & functnlty incldg platforms & eng langs, microsrvcs SOA architectr & cloud tech; ID & implmnt stratgs to modernz data anlytcs envrnmt & imprv stablty & maintnblty of platfm infrstrctr. Exp reqd: Undrstndg of obj-orntd & functnl prgrmg; Exp dvlpg & maintng distrbtd systems; Knwldg of eng langs (Python, Go), microsrvcs SOA archtctr; Knwldg of oprtg systems & netwrkg; Exp in perfrmnc monitor’s & sclblty anlys; Ablty to undrstnd techncl & business reqs & translt into techncl dsgn & implmtatn. Reqs Bachelors or frgn equiv in Comp Sci, S/W Eng, Info Systms or rltd fld & 4 yrs exp in S/W Data Eng or rltd. Opt to WFH avlbl. Send C.V. to: laura.halonen@learneo.com Food Service Manager Assist planning, directing, or coordinating activities of restaurant business that serves Japanese food and beverages. Min. wage: $74880/year. Send resume to 5089 Business Center Dr #106, Fairfield, CA 94534 HR Director – AMR Region Lead HR function. Master’s in HR, Industrial & Labor Relations, or other rltd major. 6 mos of work exp in HR-rltd positions in tech companies. Knowl of HR mgmnt. Proficiency in Excel, PowerPoint, & ERP software. X’lnt comm., interpersonal, & analytical skills. $160,389/yr. Apply to Ecovacs Robotics, Inc., 1820 Gateway Dr, Suite 360, San Mateo, CA 94404, or email to na.hr@ecovacs.com Grants Program Officer Kalliopeia Foundation seeks Grants Program officer as subject-matter expert to facilitate grants to Native American community initiatives to improve health. Review, evaluate, summarize & make funding recommendations on grant proposals based on nutrition, diet & health-related efficacy. Location; Inverness, California. Travel: requires travel to remote locations, conferences and meetings with foundation partners (grant recipients) up to 12 times per year. Remote work possible w/ management approval but would require a min. 1 trip to headquarters every quarter. Apply at https://kalliopeia.org/opportunities/ Senior Network Engineer Provident Credit Union seeks Senior Network Engineer for its Redwood City location. Bachelor’s or equiv degree in Information Technology or related field and 3 years relevant exp in managing networking infrastructure with hybrid cloud solutions and remote branch offices. Certification in CCNA or Azure networking required. Ability to travel up to 5% domestically to branches and datacenters. Salary is $127,088 - $172,218. Apply online at https://providentcu.org/open-positions. CONTROLLER Design accounting procedures and processes; develop process for financial statement reporting and close. Maintain ERP system and financial operating metrics; manage working capital; coordinate annual audit and tax process to ensure full compliance; manage accounting team internally and with external firms. Master Degree in accountancy and 18 months experience in similar position. Apply to jobs@amberdata.io Amberdata Inc. Oakland. Financial and Investment Analyst Bertram Capital Management LLC seeks Financial and Investment Analyst (Foster City): Assist with the sourcing, developing, negotiating, financing, closing of investment opportunities, and portfolio management. Provide an initial review of prospective investment opportunities and complete deep due diligence analysis for select investments, including financial analysis, legal, and operational reviews. Engage proactively with the firm’s portfolio companies, advise on business strategy, value creation initiatives, financial analysis, performance monitoring, and strategic opportunities. Travel to attend management meetings, industry conferences, business development events. Required: Bachelor’s degree or Equivalent in Business Administration, Commerce, Finance or closely related field of study and 2-years of experience in a job offered and investment banking. Strong proficiency in valuation analysis, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, Leverage Buyouts, M&A modeling, Excel, PowerPoint, CapIQ, and Bloomberg. To apply, email your resumes to nchassagne@bcap.com Sales Representatives United Sheetmetal Inc. Entry Level: 1. Knowledge in sheet metal/plastic/hardware 2. Must be ambitious and results oriented 3. Bachelor’s degree preferred 4. Superior communication and follow up skills, must be able to respond to clients immediately We offer excellent compensation & full benefits package incl. 401K. Please email to hr@unitedsheetmetal.com