C2 11.13.2024 星期三 Software Engineers (Multiple Positions) Twilio, Inc. has career opportunities in San Francisco for Engineers, including but not limited to: Software, Staff, Developers, DevOps, Quality, Fullstack, Machine Learning. Positions include: junior, senior & management positions. Positions require BA/BS, MA/MS, MBA or PhD. Multiple positions/ openings. Education, experience & criminal background checks will be conducted. Telecommuting Permitted. Submit resume, specifying Req.# SWE10TW, by email to: twiliorecruiting@twilio.com Senior Software Engineer Senior Software Engineer position available with PTC Inc. in San Mateo. Position will lead new feature modules; lead the scrum meetings with new features; prototype UI for potential features Arena SaaS applications based on mockups; develop, improve and maintain the Web layer (HTM;/CSS/JS) for Arena SaaS applications. Telecommuting permitted up to 60%. Please send resume to resumes@ptc.com including the job title and “Job Code 20858.303” in the subject line. EOE 《星島日報美西版》、《星電視》、 《星島中文電台》誠聘 廣闊創作空間 讓你一展所長 做實力傳媒人 加入最強團隊 以上職位申請者必須具美國合法工作身分;薪酬從優,全職員工包醫療保險、有薪年假及病假、 401K福利、完善津貼、獎金及花紅制度。歡迎同業轉換工作,申請絕對保密。 負責灣區本地新聞採訪 入職要求: ‧ 大學本科畢業,新聞相關專業尤佳 ‧良好中英文聽講寫能力 ‧對新聞工作感興趣 ‧性格主動有衝勁 ‧具團隊合作精神 ‧懂攝影優先 入職要求: ‧最少1年工作經驗 ‧良好溝通技巧 ‧自信和獨立 ‧中英文流利 ‧無需經驗 ‧勤奮努力 ‧會開車 入職要求: ‧大學本科畢業 ‧良好中英文聽講寫能力 ‧粵語發音必須純正 ‧具廣播和電視播報經驗優先 入職要求: ‧大學本科畢業 ‧良好中英文聽講寫能力 ‧熟悉中英文社交媒體操作和推廣 ‧具網絡內容編寫經驗優先 負責星電視拍攝及後期製作 入職要求: ‧大學本科畢業 ‧具合法工作身份 ‧懂視頻拍攝及後期製作、熟練使用Adobe Premiere ‧具電視台工作經驗優先 辦公室助理 粵語視頻新聞主播兼編輯 社交媒體策劃專員 視頻製作技術員 全職 全職 全職 多媒體新聞記者數名全職 全職/兼職 有意者請投履歷表至:hr@singtaousa.com; 並註明申請職位 粵語電台晨早新聞主播全半職 ˣ 親愛的讀者們,本報近期發現了一些以招聘形式騙取個人資料的詐騙廣告,深知詐騙行為對個 人和社區會造成損害,因此本報會盡力拒絕刊登此類廣告。同時,提醒讀者保持警惕, 不要輕信、不輕易提供個人和財務信息,以保護個人的權益。 重要通知 專線 650-808-8877, 1-888-SING-TAO 電郵 classified@singtaousa.com 網址 www.singtaousa.com 本報分類廣告代收處 分類推出新優惠如下: 二埠、士德頓和ELK Grove出租,特價優惠,每格收$23/3天;$33/7天; $55/14 天。 二手市場物價售 $250 元以下,每天每格收 $5.00,最少登 3 天,共 $18; 7 天,每天每格收 $3.00,共 $24,包括微信分類廣告,不折不扣, ( 祇限私人 )。物價售 $250 元以上,3+3 或 7+7。 刊登地產廣告 (320-390) 加送相片 ( 限一張 )。 商舖出租 (401) 和生意出讓 (510-590):30+7。 友情速遞7+7或30+7,(30+7,920-930,最長合約3個月),加送照片; 照片限一人;僅限920和930。照片可送各門市部或 電台“就業情報 站”收費如下 每天播出 2 次,每次 15 秒 ( 約 60 字 ) 每天 收費 20 元,最少買 3 天,即 60 元 ( 必需 同時刊登分類廣告 ) 2024年 1 月 1日起: 3 Days 7 Days 14 Days 30 Days 1X1 $46.50 $89.24 $136.88 $203.60 2X1 $87.00 $169.60 $259.80 $386.00 2X2 $111.00 $217.20 $332.60 $494.00 3X2 $165.00 $324.30 $496.40 $737.00 395 Oyster Point Blvd, Ste 215, S.S.F (650)808-8877 3318 Grimshaw Way, ELK Grove (916)230-9887 南三藩市 總社 711 Commercial St. S.F (415)989-7111 三藩市華埠 本報門市部 658 Clement. 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Flexible telecommuting schedule permitted w/in commutable distance of the office. Email: CAREERS@INTERTRUST.COM w/ job ref #SSWE-JA in subj line. Security Engineer Perform security projects, controls and automation across services. Salary: $157,394 - $164,944/yr., Mail Resume: Penumbra, Job #ME156, One Penumbra Pl, Alameda, CA 94502 MARKET ANALYST Collect & review data on client demographics, needs, prefs, & buying patterns to identify potmkts; Set up & test data collection procedures & approaches, such as telephone surveys using Five9 syst; Measure effectiveness of mktg, advtg, media campaigns, strats & prgms; Attend staff meetings in person & thru WebEx to provide mgmt w/ info & suggestions concerning promo, distrib’n, prods & svcs dsgn & pricing; Dvlp & implmnt procedures to det advtg needs; Gather info on cometitors; Study pricing, sales, & mktg mthds of prods & svcs. Telecommuting permitted. 2yrs. Of exp. req’d. Mail resume to AQUAKLEEN PRODUCTS, INC, 1590 Metro Dr., Ste 116, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 IT Professionals Entry to Sr. Lvl (Mult. pos’s) of Bus. Analystes, QA Engrs, SDETs, Ops Engrs, Sftwr QA Engrs, Quant. Analysts, Bus. Sys. Analysts, DBAs, Bus. Intel. Analysts needed for Pleasanton office. Must be willing to trvl to client sites at unanticipated U.S. locs. Send resume, CV & Sal Req. to Flexon Tech., 7901 Stoneridge Dr, Ste 390, Pleasanton, CA 94588 Lead Engineer, Systems Lead Engineer, Systems to anlyz data processing needs for financial info sys + recommend tech soltns & best practice sys. REQS: BS CompSci/Engrg/InfoSystms, + 5yrs exp in offered position, as Sys Analyst, or in a rel s/w dvlpmt rold (Alt: MS+2yrs in same fields/roles). Exp must incl: s/w for finance sys, SAP ECC, Anaplan, BPC, UI Path, Field Glass, DTS, Aptos, Coupa, SQL, Financ Anlys, DB Mgmt sys, & Biz Anlytcs. Worksite: San Francisco (Some work-from-home permitte. Must work on site as reqd.). Apply w/REQ 254792 to Sephora USA Inc at: https://jobs.sephora.com/job-invite/254792/. Principals Only. No calls. EOE ADVISORY – DIRECTOR(S) Pos req bach deg in Comp Sci or rel field + 7yrs exp in offrd pos or rel occ. Emplyr wll accpt mastrs deg + 3yrs exp. 3yrs exp must incl Robotic Process Automation; SaaS; TOGAF; Jira; Salesforce; Enterprise Architecture; I.T. Cost Optimization; and Application Portfolio Mgmt. Emply will accept single deg or any combo of degs, diplomas or rel. employ exp considered equiv by reliable credentials eval svc to meet bach deg reqt. Up to 100% travel to various domestic locs per business need. Interested? Apply online at https://www.kpmguscareers.com/job-search & type requisition number 118506 in the keyword search box for Experienced Professionals. Should you have any difficulty in applying for this position through our website, please contact: ushrscatsadmin@kpmg.com for assistance. If offered employment, must have legal right to work in U.S. EOE. KPMG offers a comprehensive compensation & benefits package. No phone calls or agencies please. Systems Engineer SR – Navigation & System Manage software issues and coordinate the development, integration, validation and testing for all necessary functions in alignment with project and management; responsible for testing, root cause analysis and technical discussions with stakeholders in Germany and with supplier on issues which might affect connected infotainment system and have negative impact on the system behavior prior to the customer or cause customer complaints, among other duties. BS + 7yrs experience or MS+5; hybrid/office & home-based; up to 20% travel. Salary range is dependent on factors such as geographical differentials, credentials or certifications, industry-based experience, qualification and training. In Belmont, CA the salary range for this position is $165,000 – 180,000. Send resume to: D. Taube, Sr. Mgr Global Mobility, Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., 1950 Opportunity Way, Suite 1500, Reston, VA 20190. Ref. SESN-CA. No phone calls please. Job Title: Full-Time Video Technician (Videographer/Editor) Key Responsibilities: ‧Capture and edit video content. ‧Operate camera and editing equipment to ensure professional-grade video production. ‧Utilize creative skills to develop engaging narratives, perform color grading, and incorporate visual effects. ‧Collaborate with directors, producers, and other team members to comprehend project goals and requirements. ‧Troubleshoot technical issues and adapt to changing project demands Requirements: ‧Proven experience in video production and editing. ‧Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite (Premiere Pro, Photoshop, and/or After Effects). ‧Strong communication and teamwork skills. ‧Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects. ‧Proficiency in both Chinese and English. 職位名稱:全職視頻技術員 (攝影/剪輯) 主要職責: ‧負責拍攝和後期視頻剪輯。 ‧操作各類攝影及剪輯設備,以確保視頻質量。 ‧發揮創意,創作吸引觀眾的內容,進行調色 並添加視覺特效 ‧與導演、製片人及其他團隊成員密切協作, 理解項目的目標及需求。 ‧能解決技術問題,並靈活應對各類項目需求。 任職要求: ‧具備相關視頻拍攝和剪輯經驗。 ‧熟練使用Adobe Creative Suite(包括 Premiere Pro、Photoshop 和/或 After Effects) ‧具備良好的溝通能力和團隊合作精神。 ‧能獨立工作,並同時處理多個項目。 ‧熟悉中文及英文,能有效進行雙語溝通。 STV 星電視 Please send your resume to HR@singtaousa.com Product Manager, Lion Studios AppLOVIN Corporation seeks Product Manager, Lion Studios in Palo Alto, CA: Lead the ideation & launch of innovatve & engaging mobile games & champion prdct vision & strtgy. Telecommuting and remote employment permitted. Submit resume with references to: Req.# L22131958 at: jobrecruitment@applovin.com. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. Senior Data Analyst Block, Inc. in Oakland, California seeks to fill the position of Senior Data Analyst to build databases, design dashboards, and define metrics to support scale, analyze risks, and define metrics to support scale, analyze risks, and provide easily understood reports for operational teams and senior management. Lead special projects working with compliance and different teams to diagnose complex problems and develop compelling, data driven recommendations. May telecommute. To apply or for benefit inquiries, send resumes to online-job-apply@squareup.com. Must reference job 21704.1277.6. Marketing Manager Plan, direct, coord mktg policies, dvlp’g pricing strats. Collab w/ pot cust in NA region & ICT int teams. Comm prgm scope, goals, & sched to int teams. Constantly align cust reqmts & expectations. Travel to meet custs. Req Bachelor’s in business admin or marketing & 2yrs exp as marketing manager. Send resume: Luxshare-ICT Inc. 480 N McCarthy Blvd, #280, Milpitas, CA 95035 Multiple Positions HashiCorp, Inc. has the following positions in San Francisco (Telecommuting and remote employment permitted.): -Data Analytics Manager (Req# 21-3840): Dvlp, cnstrct, tst & maintain ETL (Extrct, Trnsfrm, Load) tasks & prjcts acrss the cmpny to dvlp multiple dvlpmnt pltfrms & oversee data colction, prcssng & rprtng analytics prjcts. -Engineer (Req# L23-135167): Build & imprve prdct APls & core for app dvlpmnt & integration. -Director, Business Operations (Req# L22112961): Own & drive core prcesses related to maintaining business prfrmnce & budget variance through prtnrng with MLT on operational rprtng & analytics to support decision makng to drve OKR’s & budget prfrmnce. Submit resume with references (include Req# for position) to: resume-submissions@hashicorp.com. Must be legally authorized to work in U.S. without sponsorship. Asian Fusion Ice Cream (2 Pints + 1 Quart) $38.00 - $40.00 Uji Time Dessert 請上 moremallda.com 訂購